Tuesday, September 05, 2006

As seen in the new series of photos, I have a new haircut. To those who have seen it, it's quite awful but luckily the picture doesn't show how horrible it is. With a new color, my hair is almost naturally black again. Britney and Jolin definitely got the black hair trend going on.

Following the death of the globally recognized Australian crocodile hunter, a message circulated in MSN Messenger yesterday requesting MSNers to include a turtle in front of their nicknames as a tribute to the loss of Steve Irwin. Like many others, I followed along. And there's the effect of the message:

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Never in my life have I seen so many turtles in my contact list before. Awesome. We have just been turtlisted! However, there was also a sickening message which was spreaded saying that a new Trojan Virus attacks computers whose putting a turtle in their nickname. Who would have believed that hoax? I wouldn't for sure.

9481. The next time you encounter that number again, always remember Beyonce! Well, hereby I just want to wish her a big Happy Birthday! She just turned 25 this 4th September. Despite her young age, she has achieved a lot so far as a singer, songwriter, actress and fashion designer. In the picture below, she is seen in the album launch conference which was attended by an amazing crowd of 10000 Japanese. Yeap, having said so, her new album B'day lands stores in a few countries yesterday including Japan, and by right the rest of the world today.

Went to various music stores yesterday, but it seemed that the album will take quite a while before hitting local stores. But being a devoted Beyonce fan, I (illegally) downloaded the album to have a first listen to all her songs in order to clear my excitement and anxiety. And hell yeah, she has delivered yet another really fine piece of work. Despite the fact that the album was produced and managed in a short period of time which is as short as 2 weeks from an article that I read. Some might argue that this album is no Dangerously In Love, but comparing both albums is unfair as both comprises musics of different messages and genre. In this album, Beyonce explores deeply with the beats of contemporary R&B, whilst she also blends it with more pop and dance sounds. On top of that, with angst, she has shown more emotions than before in this album. Great job. Really.

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Track listing:

1) Deja Vu *****
2) Get Me Bodied ****
3) Suga Mama ****1/2
4) Upgrade U ****
5) Ring the Alarm *****
6) Kitty Kat ***
7) Freakum Dress ****
8) Green Light *****
9) Irreplaceable *****
10) Resentment ***
11) Check On It *****
12) Listen *****
13) Get Me Bodied (Extended Mix) *****

Overall ratings: *****

Undeniably, I'm bias in reviewing this album since I'm a great fan of Beyonce. Nevertheless, while not all the songs might appeal to everyone, there are impressive, infectious and influential songs here. So, go get it from your nearest music store soon!

- this post will be further updated -

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