Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Picking up from where I left in my previous blog is pretty hard. Blogging needs commitment, and I have abandoned that particular activity for months now. And yet, although I can't be 100 percent committed to it, here I am again blogging. Alright, stop the blah blah blah now. So, this layout is simple, and guess people might find it ugly too. It's fine with me, since I'm very much in love with the color of green.

Alright, updates on what have been going on...

1. University life is such a crap. Too many assignments for a short 14 weeks semester. Stress-o-meter: over the limit. But luckily, I managed to survive through my first semester, and hopefully little effort that I put in my studies during my past semester will produce a fairly satisfying result that grants me the entrance to my 2nd semester without failing any subjects (not just management, but all!).

2. Movies are my best friends when I'm bored and have lots of time to spend. To date, I have watched a total of 90 movies this year. Some of the late movies that I managed to catch were Over the Hedge (a reasonably lame animated movie), X-3: The Last Stand (Storm mesmerized me, great movie overall, and poor Cyclops), The Omen 666 (not a bad remake, with some humorous scenes), High School Musical (another teen/kid movie produced by Disney, quite liked it actually), etc.

3. Lately, I've became a TV drama series addict. Just a few weeks ago I couldn't get enough of Lost, season 1 and 2. That fucking-interesting drama is really entertaining. But the plot is pretty fucked-up too to see the characters I favored dying. Just to name a few, Ana-Lucia, Boone and Shannon. Jack's been a little impatient in season 2, and I can't stand his anger at times. Sigh. Another drama that im catching up is none other than the hilarious That 70s show. Call me lame, call me dumb, but I just love the burns, the jokes and the laughters in the drama. Guess what, I jsut started from season 1, and now I'm at season 2, almost completing it soon. Heck, the drama's a good time filler.

4. As semester 1 has wrapped up, I'm currently on holidays. Finally got some time to spend alone privately, and with friends. Right on the first day, went out with Kel, Jul, and Amb to Sungei Wang for redbox and meal. We wished for more people (the more the merrier, right?), but Hel and Caryn were unable to show themselves up (betrayers!!). Anyway, here's one of the many sticker photos that we took on that day.

Monkey with his bitches. Lol.

5. Ms. Beyonce has announced the date of the release of hew new album simply entitled B-Day after her birthday, which lands on the 5th of September this year! Her new single, Deja Vu, will definitely storm up the charts globally soon. I've heard the radio ripped version that has been leaked to the internet some time ago, and oh boy, it's such a hot hot hot single! Oh, well, another summer hit will be that new single from Ms. X-tina, called... Ain't No Other Man if I'm not wrong. It's a good song, but doesn't appeal much to me compared to Deja Vu. Another song for this summer will be the new single from the long gone, almost forgotten, and perhaps, legendary? Ms. Janet Jackson. The song, which I don't know the title, features the collaboration with the Pop-Rapper, Nelly. Bumped into the song while I was visiting one of her fansites, and hell yeah, a soothing song which reminds me of the sweet Dilemma from Nelly and Kelly Rowland.

6. Hmm, football fever has taken over many as World Cup has started. What I anticipate from the World Cup, it's the live eprformance of Ms. Shakira during the final match on the 9th of July. Now that's something that I really lookf roward to. I wouldnt' spend my time watching all the matches, as some of them are certainly boring to me. For me, matches that involves Germany, England, Spain, Brazil, and a few more countries that are overrated are worth watching. Oh oh, and I heard about that Afg match which resulted in a 6-0. Whoa. Great. 6.

7. Last one before I chao, Sri Garden will be having their annual International Understanding Day on the 27th this month. Is anyone going? Or planning to go? The theme: ParadIsland. Cool. I love beaches (and bitches), sand, nature, etc...

8. Nothing special, but I bumped into Kezanne in the pasar malam at Sri Petaling today. Then yesterday, saw Alicia (the one from Monash, Wei Chiang's gyal), and a i-don't-know-his-name guy from Monash Uni Malaysis in Mid Valley yesterday. Let's see who am I gonna meet in coincidence tomorrow...

2.28am, time for me to bid goodbye. Monkey's really tired, and sleepy. -Signs off-

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