Sunday, June 25, 2006

Christina Milian had great potential to become tomorrow's Diva, unfortunately times had been rough for her I would say. She had gone from a teen pop singer (AM to PM, When You Look At Me) to contemporary pop-rnb singer (Dip It Low, Whatever You Want). Recently, she released her 3rd studio album, but shortly after she was officially dropped by her label, Def Jam - *Rihanna must have kicked her ass* (source). Watching her latest video release called Say I which features Young Jeezy, one can certainly conclude that she's not ordinary, and with a few breakout hits, she'll achieve the the superstar status, like her ex-label mate Rihanna and the ever popular Beyonce, which was ambushed by PETA not long ago - *poor girl* (source). Here are the recaps of the video, Say I. By the way, the song is good enough for me!

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Hot hot hot!

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Gimme a kiss!

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Maybe I should get that cellphone too...

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She's vain, I'm vain (too)!

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See, she IS pretty!

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Nice heels babe!

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Once again, looking good!

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Hmm... any resemblance with Janet Jackson? You tell me..

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Strike some cool moves, *whacha sayin?*

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Personally, this shot works best with a lipstick ad. *Revlon for example*

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Here, she's looking Mary J. Blige-ish!

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Check out her hair (or wig?)! It's amazingly long, and fine!

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Another Janet look-a-like shot.

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"Yea, I'm the next Beyonce."

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Here comes Kelly!

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And now Michelle! And we're the new Destiny's Child! Haha ^_^

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Braids. Not bad...

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Gorgeous! *Monkey* loves the car! Banana-like!

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"Stop looking at me, you beyotch!"

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Last screenshot... for once she just turned into Beyonce.

-Monkey signs off-

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