Wednesday, July 05, 2006

There is nothing much to talk about today. Another day of boredom. Got my ass to the gym for swimming. Pushed myself today for the little extra laps since I didn't work out at all. Apparently, I'm very much into swimming. It's a great sport, if it's one. Very relaxing, and can work on the tan a bit. Awesome.

Ashlee Simpson - Invisible

While her sister, Jessica is busy promoting her new single, A Public Affair, Ashlee actually released this some time ago but I wasn't aware of it. Perhaps, she is Invisible. Haha.. Anyway, it seems that the single is included in her latest album, but it is not in my copy. I wonder why. Most probably there is a later version with extra tracks I guess. So, here is some of the snapshots from the black and white video of hers:

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"Fuck that bitch... I'm losing"

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Check out her body. Would you like to have one like hers?

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She just turned Britney here.

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Yea, let's fight again. Meow!

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She looked a lot prettier after the nose job, sad to say lah.

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She looks stun-ning here!

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Yea, show the feminism in you!

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"Mess with me, and I'll break your nose!"

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She looks like somebody here, but I can't figure out who.

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"Gimme a knock knock! (Ouch, that hurts you biyatch!)"

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Whoa! Cool position.

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Ashlee won the match. What a surprise.

Movie updates: As predicted, Superman fended off Devil to be the number 1 movie in the U.S. box office. However, the figures raked in weren't superb. Anyway, I really want to watch that movie some time soon (source). I would love to catch that movie some time soon with my bitches. Meanwhile, Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift is still the box office champion in Malaysia according to GSC (22 June 2006-28 June 2006).

World Cup updates: Just like what I thought, the Germans have no luck in fighting for the championship this time around. The Italians are better. Tonight, it will be French vs. Portugese. My guts tell me that the Portugal will advance to the next stage. Let's see how it goes.

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