Friday, August 18, 2006

Sometimes, I bloody hate Streamyx whenever there is a bad connection, or some maintenance shit that lasts for a few hours/days. I know they're trying to upgrade their system to provide us with better services, but can'y they come up with some back-up internet connection? Anyhow, broadband yields a lot of benefits to me already so, I shouldn't be complaining much, should I?

Anyway, did some groceries shopping the other day and I bought some new snacks in the market. First up, Munchy's very own mini chipsmore called mochachips. It tastes just like Danone's Chipsmore with hazelnuts, but with an extra touch of blended mocha flavour. Nevertheless, the sweetness is a bit over the top. And the price? Only RM1.55/packet, which is cheaper than Danone by 20 cents!

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Always rely on Twisties to bring new ideas to the market! And here there are, 2 extremely weird flavors of corn snacks. The first one is salmon teriyaki flavor, which is not too bad. The smell of it stinks to me, yet it tastes okay in the mouth.

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The second flavor is tandoori chicken! The real tandoori chicken is delicious, and to be honest, Tandoori Chicken Twisties is good too. However, the taste resembles a bit of the all time favorite BBQ flavor.

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So, Paris Hilton has released her debut album simply titled Paris. After listening to the whole album, I still can't figure out why did she claim that she can sing really well. Although there are a couple of tracks which are listenable, others are almost ear-torturing. I might have been dissing Stars Are Blind all these while, but I've gotta admit it that it sounds good eventually. Just compare it with Turn It Up; Stars is superior. My ratings for each song are posted below, followed by an average rating for the album which is rounded up with some extra personal credits for her effort and determination to bring something new (yet bad) to the music industry.

Paris Hilton - Paris

1) Turn It Up *
2) Fighting Over Me *
3) Stars Are Blind ***
4) I Want You **
5) Jealousy *1/2
6) Heartbeat *
7) Nothing In This World **1/2
8) Screwed ***
9) Not Leaving Without You *
10) Turn You On *1/2
11) Do You Think I'm Sexy *

Overall ratings: **

Movies update: In Northern US, Will Ferrell continues his reign as the bof office champion for one consecutive week. Top debut at no.2 this week is Step Up, a dance movie which has been compared to Save the Last Dance and Take the Lead. The outstanding performance of the movie suprised most analysts. I've seen the movie, and I can just say that the movie is bad! World Trade Center sits at third place. (source) Nationally, Remp-It, the new Malay film, is the no. 1 film in the GSC Chart! Oh my god. I can't believe the ammount of responses the movie is receiving. I'd never thought that the movie will surpass Click (no. 2) as this weeks box office champ. Shocking. Garfield 2 also arrived at a satisfactory no. 3.

Music update: Incredible chart performance by Shakira with her song, Hips Don't Lie atop of the Global Chart for 14 weeks. The top 10 is almost unchanged, and Nelly Furtado now has 2 tracks in the top 10 position - Maneater at no. 7 and Promiscuous at no. 8. Bubbling udner the top 10 is Beyonce's sophomore single off her B-Day album that will be released in about 2 weeks time, Deja Vu. Justin's comeback hit, Sexyback has the largest point increase this week, which pushed the track to no. 16 on the chart. Hot shot debut belongs to Southern All Stars who entered comfortably at no. 34 with their track Dirty Old Man.

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