Saturday, August 05, 2006

Finally, 7th month will soon reach its midst. Um, I meant the Chinese lunar calendar. That's great, because I do relate all the bad news lately to the occurrence of the annual Hungry Ghost Festival. It bothers me to see bad news everyday about some brutal or gruesome assault, robbery, rape and murder. It is as if that it's not even safe to be out of the house. Ugh.

Nevertheless, I'm still not at home once in a while. Sent my car for its weekly bubble bath yesterday and now Keahi is all clean and ready to be penetrated by the filthy air around my housing area. Tammy and Joyie joined me during my shopping spree in Carrefour before Tam and I went out for a drink in a shop called Sweet Bean. Didn't really like the food there. We ordered some weird stuff, such as deep fried mashed sweet potatoe with chocolate filling and almond, deep fried milk cubes, and red bean with HL milk and some bitter jelly. I'll give the food a 2 1/2 while the ambience a mroe than generous 3 1/2. The only recommended food one should order should be their sago ice kacang with fruits (without the kacang of course).

Finally, I got my first ever job at Crystal Edge as a telemarketer. I can't wait to work, but somehow, I'm afraid that I might not handle the job well. As an introvert, I have difficulties in conversation, especially with strangers. Alhtough everything will be done through the phone, the fear still exists. Let's just hope that I don't screw up the part-time job because the pay is fairly good. However, there seem to be another problem that has risen. I think I'm losing my voice due to the unstable weather and the food intake these days (thanks to garlic bread and durian!).

Movies update: On the new GSC chart for week 27 July 2006 - 2 August 2006, legendary monster, Dragon had destroyed the Pirates, replacing 'em as the #1 movie. 3 seems to be the number for Lady in the Water, while an Indonesian terryfying flick, 12.00a.m. entered at a devastating no. 9!

Music update: Once again, the world isn't fed up with Shakira's honest hips, as she lead the global chart suffering only a 3 percent drop in its airplay. Christina's Man climbed a spot to no.3, whilst Rihanna too claims her third top 5 single as Unfaithful reached a new peak of no. 4. Perhaps, the fact that Paris Hilton's debut single Stars Are Blind rounded up the top 10 is extremely shocking! I can't believe it. Does she really deserves it? You tell me. Talking about her, apparently there seem to be 2 versions of her video. The one I showed to y'all few weeks ago is the milder version while the one I saw on Channel [V] yesterday was the soft-porn v. Anyway, noteworthy song this week belongs to Beyonce as her latest track, Deja Vu leaped the most, from 23-12. On the other hand, Fergie, who's most probably her rival in the music industry claims the hot shot debut arriving at no. 27! Whoa. Let's hope that her London Bridge will not break down easily. (source)

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