Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Beyonce feat. Jay-Z - Deja Vu

Alright, finally I'm done with the screenshots and all. It took me quite some time to take amazing shots of the video, as there are just too many scenes, and different nice poses of Beyonce. To me, the song is great, yet the video is awesomely SICK! Beyonce just did what she's best in again, producing another fascinating video, which resembles a lot like a sequel to Baby Boy. Alright, prepare yourself, take a deeeep breathe, as I will reveal to you the new looks of Ms. Bootylicious!

Oh, let's not forget about Jay-Z

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The New Madonna

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She's reinventing the signature bra worn by Madonna. No?

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Alright, focus over there, and not anywhere else!

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Suicidal scene...

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An environmentalist...

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*swing it like a tree, swing it!*

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Is she casting for the Ring 3? She'll make the movie beautiful.

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*Roarr!!! Let my music take over the world!*

A Living Iguana, as she just turned brown!

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Naima on the cam?

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Ouch! That's gonna hurt.

The Classy Beyonce

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Hey, am I not looking rather weird here?

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Beautiful legs! Cow would object to this, saying that her thighs are huge!

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Yea! Elegant, classy!

Beyonce on the loose!

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Fly like a bird!

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Oh! Alert! She just stole Mehaohao's trademark!

The innocent Beyonce

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Just *speechless*. Goddess-like.

The desperate Beyonce

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"Where are you? Where are you??"

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"Arghh! I'm scared of that!"

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This is where....

The French Beyonce

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The nicest dress in the whole video!

The Seductive Beyonce!

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"Phew! I'm all sweaty already!"

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Alright! PG-rated here!

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That's so Raven!!! Is she getting a vision that something will happen soon??

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Get down, baby!

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Jay jay, the luckiest man on earth!

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Let's hope that she didn't hurt her back by doing that!

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"Carry me, you bastard!" LOL

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The African (fierce) Beyonce

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She really worked the whole swamp! Bravo girl! Way to go! Her chereography was awesome! Dance routine was stupendous! However, some of the moves reminded me of Shakira. Plagiarism?

The Final Look, Starry Beyonce

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Flexibility is crucial!

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"Fight with me, and you'll lose" - the message being conveyed here.

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Isn't this similar to Whenever, Wherever's dance move?

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Whoops! A rather funny closure move!

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Look how thin is she now!

And there you have it, the video for Deja Vu! Hopefully it will receive astonishing responses from the fans out there!

Movie updates: The Pirates fought well, as their ship invaded the U.S. box office for another week, pulling in approximately $60 million durings it's second weekend, for an amazing total of $250 million in jsut a short period (source). As the movie just opened in M'sia, it has yet to enter the national movies chart yet. Having said so, Superman is still mighty locally as it remained as the box office champion for GSC (06 July 2006 - 12 July 2006). Opened last week, Recycle arrived at #2. A new chart shoould be tabulated soon, with a brand new entry at number 1 (Pirates of the Caribbean), I expect.

1 comment:

SJZ said...

hi ronan!


great links u hv in ur blog!