Thursday, July 13, 2006

Only 4 days left, then my new semester commences. Often times, I very much prefer the holidays, as I have not much to worry about. But then again, university will keep myself busy, which is beneficial for the physical and mental needs of mine apparently.

Lost and Found #2

While cleaning my room today, I stumbled across my Bank Account Book which I thought I've lost since weeks ago. Thank god that I found it back in time because I was planning to report it to the bank so that a new one will be made. Now I can avoid all the processing fees that might incur if I carried the former plan.

Paul Oakenfold feat. Brittany Murphy - Faster Kill Pussycat

I'm sure only a minority of people are aware that our girl Brittany who has starred in numerous movies such as Sin City, 8 Mile and Just Married is crossing over the music industry. Following the footsteps of Jennifer Lopez huh? Anyway, FKP is a blend of 90% techno and 10% electric pop. Overall, I quite like the song. Here's a recap of the video:

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Sexy lips alert!

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"May Lord bless me!"

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"Time to brush my face a little..."

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Raise your hands and move it to the music!

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No doubt, she's pretty to me.

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Nice curls there.

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Here comes Paul Oakenfold, the deejay.

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Wow, fresh star, but have quite a lot of fans already?!

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"No! The lights are blinding me!"

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She looks darn fierce yet cute in here.

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Yea yea, just do your thang, darling.

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Acclaimed by Julia, she looks as if she's having an orgasm here. :X

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Very... nice.

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Ugh, don't strangle yourself!

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Come to me, come to me!

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here, she turned into Gwen Stefani...

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Personally, based on this screencap, she should audition for some horror flicks.

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Yet another pretty shot.

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Naughty, pretty, sexy me.

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Well, apart from movies and music, she might give some models a run for their money too.

Movie Updates: No surprises here. Pirates invaded the U.S Box Office pulling in a massive $135.6million during it's opening weekend (source). Locally, everyone was eager to see the Superman in action, as it dethroned Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift from the peak spot of the GSC Box Office Chart (29 June 2006 - 5 July 2006).


heungsu said...

hey im awake!! hahaha i always notice her!! heheheehehehe but dont kill pussycat pls hahaha i love pussycat aswell hehehehe

SJZ said...

oh!!! first time seing u here!

haha u sure u luv pussycat? or just *****?
