Monday, July 24, 2006

Was supposed to go out today, but Tammy couldn't make it. Sigh, there goes my triplet concert with her and Cow. I prepared myself so much to belt out my favorite love songs today, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I guess the plan is postponed! Yes, postponed, and not cancelled.

Anyhow, was out yesterday night to Subang for dinner. Had a plate of fish fingers in Salmon Steakhouse. The food there is rather appetizing, given it's modest price. Um, a must try will be the italian crispy chicken chop. That's quite savoury. As for the drinks, a large glass of fruit juice is just RM5, so go for that. The ambience is somewhat good at the outdoor. Indoor, not so.

Week #2 is already here. According to my schedule, I'll have a test for Business Data Modelling in 3 weeks time. Sigh, that dull subject... However, I think things should spice up a bit this week as I will learn stuffs like the Chi-Square and different sampling techniques soon. Talking about studies, I have yet to finish my assignment which is due tomorrow and my preparations for this week's tutorials.

Few days ago, Jessica Simpson debuted her new video, A Public Affair on TRL. The colorful video features cameo appearances by her best mates, Christina Milian and Applegate, Eva Longoria and Ryan Seacrest. Big casts, but the video, quite tedious.

Jessica Simpson - A Public Affair

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The Biatches. Hahaha.

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That's all he got. A few seconds of appearance in the video.

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Make way for the beautiful ladies!

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Hey I'm Jessica, who's no longer Mrs. Lachey. Call me boys!

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Hey, Christina Applegate here. *she's so sweet looking*

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Gosh, Ms. Milian is so kewt!!!

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No one poses like Eva. She's hawt!

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The repetitive scene.

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Attempting to be sick here...

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She's having a vision. But, doesn't she look slightly dope here?

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Ew! That's disgusting.

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Useful guide in taking multiple shots.

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Hot guy alert with a sexy bitch?

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Obviously, that's a bad influence to small girls.

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"Argh, I hate that slut (Jessica)"

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"I'm gonna kill her" *Catfight alert*

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Haha, why must girls always pull each other's hair in a catfight? That must be the signature move.

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Lol, girls must be drowning into this.

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Slutty move!

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Come to me boy!

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Pull me! Pull me up!

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Um, no thank you. *runs away* "Call me instead"

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(Not so) Useful guide in taking multiple shots.

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Happy ending? Public affair huh...

Talking about music videos, it seemed that certain fans of Beyonce is very frustrated with her latest video, Deja Vu. Their hatred towards it is so strong that they even started a petition against it ordering her to reshoot the sick, devastating, boring, and irrelevant video (source). What is wrong with 'em? I love the video so far.

Movies update: The Pirates continued their reign in the U.S. box office for 3 weeks now, pulling in another $35 million over the weekend. Monster House, a new animated movie is the top debut of the week, settling at no. 2 with $23 million. Shyamalan's latest offer, Lady in the Water entered at no.3, raking in a disapponting $18 million only. Uma's latest flick called My Super Ex-Girlfriend performed badly too, as it earned less than $10 million. Nevertheless, I will still watch it when I have the time. (source)

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